IF THESE TERMS ARE CONSIDERED AN OFFER BY COREL, YOUR ACCEPTANCE IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THESE TERMS. WRITTEN APPROVAL IS NOT A PREREQUISITE TO THE VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF THIS AGREEMENT AND NO SOLICITATION OF ANY SUCH WRITTEN APPROVAL BY OR ON BEHALF OF COREL SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS AN INFERENCE TO THE CONTRARY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO (OR CANNOT COMPLY WITH) ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE (AND, IF APPLICABLE, CLICK THE “I DO NOT ACCEPT” BUTTON), AND YOU WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED TO USE OR HAVE ANY LICENSE TO USE ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE. WHEN YOU CLICK ON THE “I ACCEPT” BUTTON OR WHEN YOU OTHERWISE INSTALL OR USE ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legal and binding agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) (“You” or “Your”) and Corel Corporation (“Corel”) for the software product You are about to download or otherwise install and the associated proprietary media, printed materials, any associated documentation (including any electronic documentation), and also any updates or modifications of the foregoing provided by Corel or its licensees or agents to You (collectively, the “Software”).