But now it decided to delete all my projects AGAIN! Right when I was about finished editing it sends me out of the app and when I opened the app back up it was deleted along with my other projects.

BUT, when I saved my project into my camera role, it was blurry, when I watched it on VideoPad it wasn’t blurry, only when I saved it became blurry. When you are done, you can export your movie and show it to the world.

It allows users to create artistic and professional movies from various video clips, using special effects and transitions as well as audio accompaniment. But then it started to become glitchy, it deleted all my saved projects and I could only open one project, and when you went out of the app, THE ONE PROJECT YOU GOT TO WORK ON DIDN’T EVEN SAVE!!! IT TOOK ME TO A WHOLE NEW PROJECT THAT YOU COULDN’T EVEN SAVE EITHER! So I deleted the app and reinstalled it to see if it would work, it did. VideoPad is a professional video editing program designed by NCH Software. When I first got the app, it worked really well and I loved it.